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Master of Science in Economics and Development

Additional courses

Introductory Course for Statistical Inference, a.y. 2023-2024

For I-year students, before the start of the I Semester, the MSc in Economics and Development organizes a preliminary course (both in person and online) in Statistical Inference. 
Calendar of the classes:
5th of September, time: 9a.m. - 12noon, room: D4/1.06
6th of September, time: 9a.m. - 12noon, room: D4/1.06
7th of September, time: 9a.m. - 12noon, room: D4/1.06
8th of September, time: 9a.m. - 12noon, room: D4/1.06
Link to attend online:


International Conflict Transformation

The course on International Conflict Transformation, held by Prof. Giovanni Scotto, starts on Sept. 6. The course will take place in collaboration with Syracuse University Florence, in the premises of SUF - piazza Savonarola 15. Lectures are once a week, on Tuesdays from 15.30 to 18.30.



The "Centro linguistico di Ateneo" gives you the possibility to learn a new language through courses, tandem, stages and so on. Click here to get more info!



Click here to get more info!


Course of HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT by prof. Antonio Magliulo (University of Florence)

General Information:

This course is part of an agreement that the MSc in Economics and Development has with the Syracuse University in Florence. Students of the MSc interested in this course will attend it together with American students of the Syracuse University in Florence.

The course will follow the Spring semester’s calendar of the Syracuse University in Florence.

It will start on 17 January 2024 and will end on 17 April 2024. Class will be every Wednesday from 3:30 to 6:30 in Villa Rossa, Syracuse University in Florence, piazza Savonarola 15, Florence. 

Midterm break (no classes): March 1 to March 10 (inclusive) 

Students from the University of Florence and Erasmus attending the course "HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT" will have access to all of SUF’s facilities, including the library and intercultural students’ activities. 

Students who will not be in Florence at the beginning of the course, are kindly asked to get in touch with the teacher as soon as possible. Erasmus and other international students who will arrive in Florence in March will be admitted to attend class and take the exam as attendant students. 

Please, see the syllabus on the e-learning platform (moodle) of the University of Florence ( or write to the teacher ( for further information.

last update: 12-July-2023
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