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Master of Science in Economics and Development
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Double degree for students of Economics

Structure of the programme

The Double Degree program in Economics is offered jointly with the Master in European Economic Studies at the University of Bamberg and is four semesters long; 120 credits are required in order to earn the degree, according to the following regulations.

Students with home university Florence, please click here

Students with home university Bamberg, please click here

The slides of a presentation given on Oct. 18, 2022, are available here.

The University of Bamberg, the Department of Economics at the University of Bamberg.


Admission requirements and selection criteria

Candidates for the Double Degree programme will be selected by their home institution according to the following criteria, jointly defined and agreed upon by the University of Florence and the University of Bamberg.


Requirements for admission in the Master programme:

-    3 year Bachelor programme (180 ECTS), of which at least 18 credits (ECTS) in economics, 6 credits (ECTS) in mathematics and 6 credits (ECTS) in statistics.

-    Proficient English language knowledge B2 level of the Common European Framework (certification), if the native language of the applicant is not English.


Selection criteria for the Double degree:

- Finale grade of the Bachelor degree;

- Motivation letter;

- Average grade of the mandatory courses of the first semester of the first year of the MSc in Economics and Development (curriculum in Economics);

- Certified knowledge of languages different from English.


Applications for the a.y. 2023-24

For the current academic year, the call for applications is available here (the English version begins at page 8 of the document). The deadline is Feb. 18, 2024, at 1pm.

The application form in English, in Italian.

The application form and its attachments must be submitted through this website.


A presentation of this Double Degree has been held on February 5, 2024. An updated version of the slides of the presentation is here.

last update: 16-Feb-2024
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