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Master of Science in Economics and Development
Home page > Development Economics > Study Plan > Curriculum in Development Economics 2018-2019 > Statistical data elaboration lab

Statistical data elaboration lab


Year: 1

Semester: II

Instructor: Chiara Bocci

This course provides the basics of the widely-used package Stata and the elements of statistical methodology required to understand the rationale behind the considered procedures.

The aim of the course is twofold: a) provide students with a basic knowledge of a statistical software (Stata), b) develop skills needed to conduct standard analyses, and adequately interpret the results.

The program includes the following issues: data management, linear regression (estimation, inference, diagnostic tools), logit and probit regression for binary responses, models for correlated data (in particular, panel data).

Lectures, group activities and computer tutorials are interconnected so that students can link the theoretical knowledge with the practical skills of performing statistical analyses using a computer.


last update: 23-July-2018
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