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Master of Science in Economics and Development
Home page > Development Economics > Study Plan > Curriculum in Development Economics 2017-2018 > Joint Seminar Florence-Goettingen (3 ECTS)

Joint Seminar Florence-Goettingen (3 ECTS)

CFU: 6

Year: 1

Semester: II

Instructor: Gianna Claudia Giannelli

This is a new course to be held jointly with a professor of the University of Goettingen. The topics, in the fields of Education, Labour, Household and Migration Economics, will be announced later on. The seminar will also involve the active participation of students with presentations on subjects indicated by the professors during the lectures, and  general discussions during the classes. A background reading list will be available online, while other reference material will be provided during the course.

last update: 05-June-2017
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