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Master of Science in Economics and Development
Home page > Development Economics > Study Plan > Curriculum in Development Economics > Agriculture, Development and Poverty

Agriculture, Development and Poverty

CFU: 6

Year: II

Instructor: Donato Romano

The overall objective is providing the theoretical and methodological foundations for quantitative evaluation of policy impacts on poverty and food security in rural areas in LDCs. The course approach is based on two coordinated sets of contents, namely: (i) critical review of theories and models, and (ii) empirical analysis of case studies. The contents of the lectures are the following: Policy impact evaluation, The profit function approach, Agricultural supply response, Food security, Farmer behaviour and welfare under risk, Agricultural household models, Partial equilibrium analysis of price distortions, Sectoral impacts of macroeconomic policies, The real exchange rate, Transaction costs and agrarian institutions, Input-output tables, Social accounting matrices, CGE models.

Sadoulet, E., and de Janvry, A., 1995. Quantitative Development Policy Analysis. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press

last update: 04-Apr-2017
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