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Master of Science in Economics and Development
Home page > Development Economics > Study Plan > Curriculum in Development Economics > Economics and management of local system

Economics and management of local system

CFU: 12

Year: I

Instructor: Luciana Lazzeretti

The course deals with competitive analysis of industries and local systems through theoretical and empirical focuses.

The course is divided into two modules:

Module A: competitive analysis and examination of concepts of industry, network, systems, clusters and districts.

Module B: theory and empirical case studies of cultural and creative industries, creative networks and creative capacity of culture.

Approaches: industry analysis in the perspective of industrial economics, business and urban-regional economics, evolutionary and ecological economics.

Concepts: industry, supply chain, networks, value chain, local systems (clusters, districts and cities). Methods: Case studies, statistical analyses, social network analysis, ecological analyses and other quantitative methods.

Module A: Becattini G, (2002), "From Marshall's to the Italian "Industrial Districts" A brief critical reconstruction" in Quadrio Curzio A. and Fortis M. (2002) (eds.), Complexity and Industrial cluster Dynamics and Models in Theory and Practices, Springer.

Module B: Lazzeretti (Ed.), Creative industries and innovation in Europe, London: Routledge.

last update: 04-Apr-2017
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