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Participation in a Simu-VACTION

MSc ED participates in a Simu-VACTION in Atlanta (US)
One student of the MSc in Economics and Development participates to a Simu-VACTION on Artificial Intelligence and Health Disparities On A Global Stage and will be in Atlanta (US) between October 29th and November 1st !!! https://www.simuvaction.<wbr>com/
The SIMU-VACTION project is an opportunity for 40 university students from across the world (Europe, US and Canada) to actively engage, practice, and contribute to the ethical development of AI. Students, coming from different fields, universities, backgrounds, and countries will train for 6-8 weeks through a common course in which they will receive the support of professional partners.

After attending zoom conferences (Sept 15- Oct 15), preparing the roles they are assigned, students will meet in-person in Atlanta for two days of training on negotiation and the D-DAY they have to advance the position of the entity they represent and to successfully create an agreement that illustrates the interest of all parties involved.

Students will write, debate, and vote on one of the most challenging AI quandaries: How can we ensure that AI, designed to help address health inequities does not, in fact, increase such disparities?

The project fuses young minds - especially GRADUATE STUDENTS - the world of academia, the private and non-profit sectors, as well as the community organizations engaged in issues of health disparity. It provides an opportunity for all actors to meet, discuss, and act around a common goal and project. 

28 September 2022
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